Naomi Liu's weblog

My blog about code, more code, and anything else I have time to write about.

the art and technical challenges of coding for online games

Writing code for online games, particularly for mobile or web-based slot games like this one, involves a mix of advanced graphics rendering, real-time networking, security implementations, and intricate game logic. Developers need to balance between performance optimization, cross-platform compatibility, and the unique requirements of the online gambling industry, such as randomization and fairness.

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subverting the software interview

Cans. Cans everywhere. Some alcoholic, some diabetic, all of them eclectic. Remnants of nights long gone, spent hunched over in front of the pale glow of a text editor. Time you’ll never recover, lost to the ethereal dance of progress. There’s an old pizza box in the corner, a faint memory of a lonely meal. You miss being able to

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write you a parser for okay acceptable!

Parsec is a beautiful library, but it’s DIFFICULT. Every time I’m working on a problem that requires an actual parser beyond regex, I die a little inside. I used Parsec for my Scheme interpreter, and it was probably the most frustrating part of the project. This isn’t the fault of the authors, though. Parsers are complicated beasts, and I definitely

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advent of code 2020, day 7: droste and bourke

The previous few days of Advent have been kinda boring – day 4 was regex, then binary search, then set intersections. We’re finally back to graph traversals, and so I felt like this was worth a post. The problem goes as follows – you’ve sledded to the airport, made it past security, boarded your plane, and gotten through customs. Now

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advent of code 2020, day 3: lazy tobogganing

Part 1 of 2 in this series. It’s December, so you know what that means. Debt? Maybe. Alcoholism? No time. Time to save Santa again? Yep. Advent of Code is finally back, and so everybody’s in full motion trying to contort their favourite languages into workable problem-solving tools, me included. I’ve been a huge fan of Advent of Code ever

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beauty and the bytestring

event that aims to showcase some of the cool, unknown features of Haskell that newcomers might not know. Ok, let’s talk about Linked Lists. You’ve likely come across them before, either in Leetcode problems or in a pretentious whiteboard interview. They’re a simple data structure, and a great way to learn how to use structs or Option<Rc<RefCell<Box<ListNode>>>> when you’re starting

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